PD Dr Kerstin Voigt 

Institut für Mikrobiologie
Neugasse 25 
07743 Jena

Phone: +49 (0) 3641 5-321 395

Not open to the public—visits by appointment only

Historical catalogues by Johanna Schultze-Wege
"Verzeichnis der von mir in Thüringen gesammelten und gemalten Pilze"
"Verzeichniß der von mir gesammelten und gemalten Pilze" 

Historical books on fungi by Johanna Schultze-Wege
Mykologisches Handbuch [Aquarelle zum Manuscript]
Die essbaren Champignons oder Edelpilze (Psalliota)
Die essbaren Champignons oder Edelpilze (Psalliota) [Bildmappe]


Jena Microbial Resource Collection (JMRC)

JMRC’s main collection of Zygomycota (moulds) is the only one of its kind in Germany. As one of the biggest collections worldwide, it includes not only common moulds like those that can be found growing on bread or strawberries, but also species from tropical regions. Next to 10,000 herbarium records, the collection preserves 15,000 living fungi and 45,000 bacterial species in various growth media and frozen samples. The JMRC also collects records of older stocks as well as fungi-related photographs and watercolours. Highlights include the 1,500 watercolours, sketches, and herbarium records of macrofungi by botanist Johanna Schultze-Wege dating back the 19th century.

Apart from preserving individual species as part of their collection, the JMRC focuses on contemporary mycology research. Owing to its extensive research activities, the JMRC has become part of a global research network exploring biodiversity and the conservation of microorganisms. The collection is open to all interested individuals from industry and research.

Publikationen Zygomyceten (Schimmelpilze)

Y. Gherbawy, K. Voigt (Hrsg.) (2010): Molecular identification of fungi. Berlin u. a.: Springer.

Publikationen Zygomyceten (Schimmelpilze)

H. Dörfelt, M. Eckart (2009): Das mykologische Lebenswerk einer vergessenen Autorin: Johanna Schultze-Wege (1844–1918). Zeitschrift für Mykologie 2, 231–256.