Prof. Dr Eva Winter

Institut für Altertumswissenschaften
Fürstengraben 25
07743 Jena

Phone: +49 (0) 3641 9-448 20

Not open to the public—visits by appointment only

Photographs ancient world

Photographic Archive of the Chair of Classical Archaeology

This extensive collection has been used for teaching purposes since the University’s Archaeological Museum was founded in 1846. It includes small slides and a historic collection of albumin prints. Particularly noteworthy are, among others, large slides from the estate of theologian Hans Lietzmann (Professor of Church History in Jena 1905–1923) featuring private photographs of his travels to Syria, Palestine and Greece. 

The collection also includes pictures purchased by art historian and photographer Dr Franz Stoedtner (1870–1944) who founded a Berlin-based institute for scholarly slide projections (Institut für wissenschaftliche Projektion) in 1895 which he ran alongside a publishing house for photographic images. The collection is completed by sketches and engravings spanning from the 16th century to the beginning of the 20th century. Among others, they originate from the estate of German-French archaeologist, collector, and classical scholar Wilhelm Froehner (1834–1925).

What makes this collection stand out, above all, is its documental as well as archaeological and art-historical value. Of particular value are photographs of monuments and ancient sites that have changed or no longer exist today.

Publikationen Fotografie Antike

A. Geyer, M. Rind (Hrsg.) (2016): Unterwegs ins Altertum. Jenaer Reisende am Mittelmeer – Das Mittelmeer in Reisebildern. Historische Photographien aus der Sammlung des Lehrstuhls für Klassische Archäologie der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Berlin: Logos.